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Post Election Thread: Democracy Dies In Darkness And You Can Help


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I reposted that LittleKuriboh vid for some of my friends who are probably megabutthurt today, but I have not a whole lot of sympathy for the other side. I mean, I empathize that they're sad and that they feel like everything's gone to pot, but realistically they were standing under a hornet's nest poking it with a stick for YEARS and now they've finally gotten stung.

Good job.

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Some guy on somethingawful just won a shitload of games;


1. If Trump wins and is declared the next president, I win and each participant of this toxx will have to buy me $60 (or euros, depending on where you live) worth of Steam/GoG games of my choosing around Winter sale. Because this will be a lot, I may end up asking some people to fulfill their obligation sometime after the Winter sale.



16 people participated.

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The president of my campus. Tony Frank, just delivered this email. 


Because apparently, we need to watch what we say, because other people might get offended. My favorite part is when he urges students to call the police if they feel threatened. Emphasis added by me.


Fuck off, Tony.



My personal favorite university president letter, dating from October 24th;


Dear HSU community,

I am writing to offer my heartfelt apology to the students, staff, and faculty who were hurt by my recent message to the campus about standing together for an inclusive community. In that letter, I used the word “norm” to describe “a standard of accepted behavior” and to reiterate that racism in any form is intolerable and unacceptable, but I now understand that in the context of ongoing racism the word created other offensive and hurtful meanings. I also realize that your concern is about more than words. For creating harm, I am deeply sorry.

I recognize that many members of the HSU community experience racism, both overtly and subtly through microaggressions, nearly every day. Many of you have taken the time to write to me and talk with me about your experiences; I value your insights and share your concerns. I am committed to working with all of you to eliminate the barriers to creating a truly inclusive campus.

Much work is needed to create deep and enduring change. The upcoming Campus Dialogue on Race (October 31 – November 4) will be an important opportunity to consider how we can move forward together. These dialogues will serve as a springboard for additional action as we focus on the individual and institutional transformations needed to make clear that the lives and experiences of people of color really matter at HSU.

Sincerely yours,

Lisa A. Rossbacher, Ph.D. 



She also sent out a letter about post-election affairs, but it was depressingly drab. 


She has a salary of more than $300,000 if I correctly understand. 

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My uni is in rural MO, so local salt levels were low.  There certainly were people talking about being upset that Trump got it, but nothing amusing






Meme war service ribbon for those who have earned it

I reposted that LittleKuriboh vid for some of my friends who are probably megabutthurt today, but I have not a whole lot of sympathy for the other side. I mean, I empathize that they're sad and that they feel like everything's gone to pot, but realistically they were standing under a hornet's nest poking it with a stick for YEARS and now they've finally gotten stung.

Good job.

Talking to some Hillary supporters last night and earlier today, plenty of them still seem stuck in the mindset that the US is being taking over by women-hating, minority-lynching hicks.  I'll admit I wasn't around much at the time to know how it went down, but I can't help trying to compare these sorts of leftists to how the religious right was.  I imagine one thing Trump had going for him was people were getting tired of the PC culture shenanigans and decided enough is enough.

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I emailed the president of CSU back. 


He may never see it. But fuck it. It needs to be said.



Contacting the police over someone harboring differing opinions than yours is literally the definition of Fascism. 
The first amendment doesn't stop where my tuition begins. 
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Saunders statement on the election.




“Donald Trump tapped into the anger of a declining middle class that is sick and tired of establishment economics, establishment politics and the establishment media.  People are tired of working longer hours for lower wages, of seeing decent paying jobs go to China and other low-wage countries, of billionaires not paying any federal income taxes and of not being able to afford a college education for their kids - all while the very rich become much richer. 

“To the degree that Mr. Trump is serious about pursuing policies that improve the lives of working families in this country, I and other progressives are prepared to work with him. To the degree that he pursues racist, sexist, xenophobic and anti-environment policies, we will vigorously oppose him.”

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Hey, I'm all for collecting the salty tears of the over-sensitive and corking them in bottles so they can age and be aired out at festive social occasions later, but would y'all mind anonymizing this stuff?  Just scribble out the names and faces in MS paint.  I'd rather not dox anyone.


Just the facebook posts, which are private by default.  Twitter stuff can stay.

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