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Sturgeon's House

Post Election Thread: Democracy Dies In Darkness And You Can Help


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Holy shit.


Not only is it clear they've learned nothing:

Bill fucking Clinton warned them and they didn't listen.

The sense inside Clinton headquarters on Thursday, as aides packed up their desks and munched on free tacos and brownies, was that the Democratic nominee did not deserve to lose to a man that only 30 percent of the country thought was qualified to be president and that it ultimately came down to white working class voters rejecting her because she was a woman.

This seems like a common response, refuse to look in a mirror and simply scream racist/sexist.

I didn't vote against her because she was a woman, I voted against her because she is blindingly corrupt.

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The basic thing my friends said is that the Democrats basically paid too much attention to Hispanics to the detriment of the white working class, which was a traditional Democrat base. The problem with that strategy is that Hispanics are not very reliable voters, and it cost them in this election.

They are hopeful for a purge in the DNC, but that remains to be seen, They appear to still be in shock.


I'm a little skeptical that "Hispanic" is a useful label for any sort of electioneering/sociological study.  When people talk about the "Hispanic vote," they are implicitly saying that first-generation agricultural workers whose families are still in their country of origin have essentially the same economic and political outloook as moneyed aristocracy from New Mexico who have been there since before the United States formed.  It doesn't pass the smell test.


You rarely hear about a "White" vote.  This is because the people who come up with the demographic divisions are themselves White (or have spent so much time in higher educational institutions that they might as well be) and understand the rich and subtle diversity of White people.


Well, sure, the rights of the minority should be protected from the tyranny of the majority, but that's also different from the minority being allowed to dictate the majority? I mean, this is why we dispensed with aristocracies and absolute monarchies too, right?


Point of order, "we," by which I mean the collective Anglosphere, never dispensed with absolute monarchies because "we" never had one.



It seems politically incorrect now to call a human being 3/5s of a person. But this was a GOOD thing at the time of our founding since it meant the Slave states couldn't artificially stack political representation on account of human chattel. 


Good point; if slaves had been counted as whole people it would just have helped the slave owners.


Holy shit.




Not only is it clear they've learned nothing:



Bill fucking Clinton warned them and they didn't listen.


If the experience of the 1968 election is anything to go by, these sorts of re-alignments are a one-way street.  Bill Clinton will get to say "I fucking told you so" until he dies.

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This is from wikileaks, so it might have been pulled wholesale from Julian Assange's malformed asshole.


But assuming it's true, this could be the biggest political fuckup in US history; https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/796222841612042240


Pretty sure it's true. I'm think I posted that in the elections thread.

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This article is getting attention again:


Unfortunately; if you agree that its hypothesis is essentially correct, then all we can expect for the forseeable is an establishment determined to block all reform - good and bad.


It's a pretty good article, but it misses an important point that I think undermines your conclusion.


People don't lash out and attack when they feel threatened and oppressed.  People lash out and attack when they feel threatened and oppressed and they think they can reasonably achieve victory.  This election didn't just show that the establishment is corrupt, but also that it is brittle.  That's why I think Brexit was a huge boost for Trump; it showed that the polls could be wrong, and that the conventional wisdom could be overcome.


Cynically, I think that Trump won't follow through on most of his promises because most presidents have not.  But maybe this situation is exceptional.  Trump and his supporters both smell blood in the water.  Once he was elected, did his opponents have some masterful counterstroke to tie his hands?  No.  They cried instead.


"Cried," as in they actually shed tears of unironic despair and wailed and pounded the unforgiving ground with their palms and probably brought out those crazy blade-on-chain thingies that Shiites beat themselves with during Ashura.  This tells me two critical things:


1)  Trump's opponents were so confident of victory that they did see loss as a contingency they would need to prepare for.


2)  They did not prepare for loss.


That's just more blood in the water!  It favors Trump to attack now, and keep attacking while his opponents are still on leave from their senses.  It would make little difference if the establishment tries to block Trump from achieving any of his reforms (a couple of which are extremely good ideas and desperately need to happen) if he can methodically destroy them.  A good start would be something like putting Eric Holder's head on a pike, and then beating a list of his professional friends and allies out of him, and then putting all of those peoples' heads on pikes as well.  This would be dressed up as cleaning up corruption when in reality it would be a cynical, calculated purge of opponents, but when their misdeeds were brought to air I really doubt too many people could bring themselves to oppose such a move.  I'm not sure I would.  Sure, the establishment outnumbers Trump's people.  The French Army outnumbered the Wehrmacht in 1940 too.


In summary, it's not just that the establishment became disconnected, it's that it also became weak and stupid.  Or to put it another way, Alan Sokal's little project to save the Left from a trendy segment of itself failed, and this is the price.

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I journeyed into the WoT T110 Herpes thread for the first time in close to a month to finally see what their reaction was...and... well... it was not even entertaining.


The usual animea Princesses are triggered. And it is somewhat comical to see "The Sledgehammer" acting like an unlikable git and being smacked over the nose like an ill-trained poodle. I mean yeah. Even the T110 thread is already tired of ol' Sledgehammer. And throughout it that Rita chick is still doing her "I'm-a-girl-watch-me-do-girl-things-boys-LOL" schtick. 


0/10. Won't go back for another month again.

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Meanwhile, it is fun to watch the sudden secession movements that have cropped up for California (#CALEXIT) and Oregon/Washington (Republic of Cascadia Secession Movement).






Of course it should be noted that in California, Oregon, and Washington, if you go 50 miles outside of the population centers of Seattle, Portland, San Francisco and L.A./San Diego, you'll find the rest of those states wanting to secede from them.


Of course I almost WANT a secessionist movement led by the Democratic Party again.



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So why isn't the media or someone pointing out to the people freaking out over Trump, that much of his negatives were created by the DNC and Hillary's campaign, and that there isn't much real evidence he is anti black, gay LGBT, Mexican or jew and they were duped into thinking this by the most corrupt political machine since Nixon. I mean liberals are committing suicide over it for fuck sake, someone thing of the children.

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So why isn't the media or someone point out to the people freaking out over Trump that much of his negatives were created by the dnc and Hillarys campaign and that there isn't much real evidence he is anti bkack, gay LGBTQ, Mexican or jews and they were duped into thinking this by the most current political machine since nixon. I mean liberals are committin suicide over it for fuck sake

Because the media was backing the DNC and Hillary

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...Seriously? Bernie 2020? These guys know how old Sanders is, right?


Also, the Republicans also vowed to kick Barack out in 2012, it didn't happen. Trump is going to be here for 8 years (unless he chooses not to run), people should get used to that or there will be more crying in 2020.

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This seems like a common response, refuse to look in a mirror and simply scream racist/sexist.

Yep. I'm seeing a lot of the same thing.

Here's how Johnathan Pie lays it on the table


Favorite part: "...and if my mansplaining is triggering you, then you can either fuck off to your safe space, or you can engage and debate me and tell me what I'm getting wrong..."

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