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WoT v WT effort-thread


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I think Japanese heavies are balanced by the fact that everyone of them is driven by a 43 percent winrate Tomato who either camps the entire match or drives into a 3-way crossfire the first 2 minutes of the game.


why would they need gun depression then? 

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Played some WT last night.

All the matches were made that much more interesting by the fact that Gaijin had screwed the thermodynamics model. So about a third of the players were getting off the runway, trying to climb and then blowing their engines up.

As someone fond of turnfights, it was very fun to see all the remaining aircraft akwardly tooling around at under 2000 metres.

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Is the M46 KR a permanent addition to the premium shop, or a special edition thing?

Afaik it's a special edition. At least, it's not in the EU shop anymore.


Also, I knew that playing on tilt was a thing, but I didn't know what big of an impact it had on gameplay/gamestyle. Saturday I totally didn't play a few games with Colli, and the first few games I might or might not have played went absolute shit. I took a shower because I felt tired, and after the shower (bath, actually) I might have, but I might have not, played a few other games with Colli. Multiple 3+k damage games and steamrolls were possibly be had. Before I could barely hit 1k damage and couldn't win at all.


So if you play like shit, take a shower!

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