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Since start of 2016, #RuAF carried out 311 sorties in 10 provinces destroying 1100+ targets #Syria



#Russia regarding its activities in #Syria:

153 towns/villages liberated by #SAA since start of air campaign, 19 liberated since January 1st
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Tiger Forces capture 4 villages in east Aleppo



   The Tiger Forces are rolling through the eastern Aleppo countryside, where they are making a push towards two different ISIS strongholds that have relatively untouched since the terrorist group first seized them from their former allies in the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Jabhat Al-Nusra (Syrian Al-Qaeda group).

   On Monday morning, the Syrian Arab Army’s elite special operations division known as the “Tiger Forces” – in close coordination with Liwaa Suqour Al-Sahra (Desert Hawks Brigade) and the National Defense Forces (NDF) – imposed full control over the village of Ayishah after a violent battle with the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) inside the Al-Bab Plateau of east Aleppo.
   However, following the capture of Ayishah, the Tiger Forces, the National Defense Forces, and Liwaa Suqour Al-Sahra did not remain idle; instead, they decided to clear 4 small villages in the surrounding area in order to clear the path towards the ISIS stronghold of Al-Bab.
   According to Shadi Hulwe of Syrian TV, the Tiger Forces were unable to identify the names of these villages due to their relative obscurity; however, they are now at the ‘Ayn Al-Jahesh axis, which leaves them only a few kilometers away from Al-Bab’s southern perimeter.
   It appears the Tiger Forces are going to make a move towards the city of Al-Bab before they attack Deir Hafer, which is the gateway to the Raqqa Governorate’s western countryside.
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The Guardian reports that Putin is open to the idea of Assad being granted asylum in Russia in a hypothetical future in which Assad is voted out of power after the war. 


It also seems that Putin admits that Assad has done a lot of wrong throughout the conflict. 

That is not all he said, he added that there is no need to grant asylum to Bashar.


Yeah, like doing what opposion asked - for example release of Alloush from a prison. Putin said that this conflict could not reach such point as it did without support from other countries.

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That is not all he said, he added that there is no need to grant asylum to Bashar.


Yeah, like doing what opposion asked - for example release of Alloush from a prison. Putin said that this conflict could not reach such point as it did without support from other countries.

It is a flexible rhetoric which is pretty smart both towards Russia's backing of Assad and its relations with the West showing he's at least open to the idea of regime change. 


I agree that foreign support has intensified the Syrian conflict to the state it is today. 

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It is a flexible rhetoric which is pretty smart both towards Russia's backing of Assad and its relations with the West showing he's at least open to the idea of regime change. 


I agree that foreign support has intensified the Syrian conflict to the state it is today. 


Well it helps that there is a vested hatred of Baathism by the western powers at be

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What is next in northern Latakia?



   The Syrian Arab Army’s 103rd Brigade of the Republican Guard – backed by the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP), the National Defense Forces (NDF), Liwaa Suqour Al-Sahra (Desert Hawks Brigade), Muqawama Souri (Syrian Resistance), and Liwaa Assadallah Al-Ghaliboun (Iraqi paramilitary) – have imposed full control over the strategic town of Salma after a short battle with the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in Jabal Al-Akrad (Kurdish Mountains) on Tuesday.

   With this victory in Salma, the Syrian Armed Forces have taken control of the highest point in Jabal Al-Akrad, making their march to the Idlib Governorate relatively easy in comparison to their previous attempts to push towards the imperative city of Jisr Al-Shughour.
   The town of Salma has been captured by the Syrian Armed Forces, but there is still a lot of fighting left to go; especially, in Jabal Al-Akrad.
   In the coming days, the Syrian Armed Forces will focus on three different axes; all of which have two important objectives: seal the Turkish border with the Latakia Governorate and push east towards Idlib.
  •    The first attack will likely be concentrated on the rebel stronghold of Al-Rabiyah, where the Free Syrian Army’s “1st Coastal Brigade” is headquartered. The town is already under attack from afar, but the Syrian Armed Forces have yet to make a major push.
  •    The second attack will be conducted at two different flanks: a) the Syrian Armed Forces will capture the small village of Al-Kawm and B) they will push north towards the town of Kinsibba. Kinsibba is similar to Salma in the sense that they’re both located atop of hills and heavily fortified by the Islamists; its capture will open the route to the final border-crossing in the Latakia Governorate.
  •    The final attack will come at the far eastern point, where the Syrian Armed Forces will attempt to recapture the strategic town of Al-Sirmaniyah in order to push north towards Jisr Al-Shughour.
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Breaking: Syrian Army reaches the strategic town of Khan Al-Assal in southern Aleppo



   It has been a huge week so far for the Syrian Armed Forces; and it appears that the success is only its beginning stages, as they continue to make several advances around the country.

   Moments ago in the Aleppo Governorate’s southern countryside, the Syrian Arab Army’s 43rd Brigade of the 4th Mechanized Division – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF), Kataebat Al-Ba’ath (Al-Ba’ath Battalions), and pro-government Palestinian militia “Liwaa Al-Quds” (Jerusalem Brigade) – imposed full control over the road leading from the strategic towns of Khan Al-Assal and Al-Rashiddeen.
   The Syrian Armed Forces were able to secure the road this morning after a series of advances inside the 4th Precinct of Al-Rashiddeen last night.
   As of now, the Syrian Armed Forces are in position to strike the imperative town of Khan Al-Assal; however, they are likely to hold-off for now, as they are still combatting the Islamist rebels of Jabhat Al-Nusra (Syrian Al-Qaeda group), Liwaa Suqour Al-Sham, Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham, and Harakat Nouriddeen Al-Zinki inside of Al-Rashiddeen.
   The town of Khan Al-Assal was captured by the Islamist rebels of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Jabhat Al-Nusra in late 2013; once it was captured, the Islamists executed all of the captured Syrian Arab Army soldiers.
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   Early this morning, the Syrian Arab Army, National Defence Force, Syrian Social Nationalist Party and Syrian Resistance stormed the strategic town of Salma in eastern Lattakia and quickly forced Jabhat al-Nusra (al-Qaeda) rebels to flee this vital high ground. Salma, which has long been considered an untouchable Islamist rebel stronghold, has undergone encirclement for weeks as government forces surrounded the town from both its eastern, southern and western entrances. The offensive at Salma was predominantly carried out by Syrian ground troops due to the area’s mountainous terrain; however, countless air strikes were conducted by Syrian/Russian jets during the night and early morning while Syrian tanks provided necessary cover during the final push.

   Contrary to false reports of Islamist rebels recapturing the town during the day, the Syrian Army has created a small buffer zone around Salma this afternoon and evening which effectively has them overlooking neighbouring villages and the all-important Lattakia-Idlib M5-Highway. Meanwhile, government troops further north keep pushing east along the Turkish border. Currently, Islamist rebels control merely a narrow 10 kilometer strip of land in the northeastern edge of Lattakia province.
   During the past months, many rebel militants have fled Lattakia governorate as to halt rebel forces from losing ground in southern Aleppo. Thereby, local Turkmen rebel fighters in the Lattakian countryside have seen their positions overrun in dozens of villages. Furthermore, today’s victory at Salma serves as a huge morale boost for the Syrian Arab Army; many analysts had otherwise considered the town impenetrable as it had been rebel-held since July, 2012. It will not require many more losses before local Islamist rebels are forced to ensue in an all-out retreat towards Jisr al-Shigbour and Idlib.


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#Syria #Latakia #Lattakia #Salma #SAA #NDF #SyrianArmy "Under Our feet Militant #Salma Martyrs Brigades." 




Shishani calling for more recruits, Muhseni wants 40,000 men & more money & there has been only 1 TOW used this year 





"Shishani" are how Syrians call Chechens.

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