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Sturgeon's House

The Small Arms Thread, Part 8: 2018; ICSR to be replaced by US Army with interim 15mm Revolver Cannon.


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Most firearms do not have gears, although they're not unheard of.  The Russian counter-balanced action rifles use a rack and pinion set to synchronize the bolt carrier and countermass (LoooSeR had some pictures), the weird French St. Etienne machine gun uses a reverse gas piston linked to a gear to drive the bolt carrier (not because they thought it was a good idea, because there was a patent on doing it the right way), and some lever-actions have gears between the lever and the bolt carrier (particularly those lever action rifles that are, mechanically speaking, bolt actions in cowboy drag).


The G11 was doing all sorts of weirdness.  Just... all kinds of weirdness.  It was an extremely ambitious project, and had it entered service it probably would have taken years and lots of money to get it to a satisfactory level of reliability, if ever.

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Most firearms do not have gears, although they're not unheard of.  The Russian counter-balanced action rifles use a rack and pinion set to synchronize the bolt carrier and countermass (LoooSeR had some pictures), the weird French St. Etienne machine gun uses a reverse gas piston linked to a gear to drive the bolt carrier (not because they thought it was a good idea, because there was a patent on doing it the right way), and some lever-actions have gears between the lever and the bolt carrier (particularly those lever action rifles that are, mechanically speaking, bolt actions in cowboy drag).


The G11 was doing all sorts of weirdness.  Just... all kinds of weirdness.  It was an extremely ambitious project, and had it entered service it probably would have taken years and lots of money to get it to a satisfactory level of reliability, if ever.

Lewis. Used a rack&pinion for the clock-style mainspring.

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Any hood rough enough to require that sort of rig is going to be a hood where that expensive rig will be taken from the fat, white neckbeard who is seen carrying it around out in the open. Or at the very least, he'll be harassed all day by the stereotypical ethnic females who live in same said hood.


No. This rig is to intimidate the assistant managers of chain restaurants and to annoy suburban police departments who are called when he is seen strolling around the city park next to the children's playground area that way he can feel like a victim when he refuses to identify himself and spends an hour or two of his life sitting in a patrol car while the police sort shit out. That way he can brag about it to the Open Carry Forum and everyone can rub one out on the computer screen in sympathy.

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