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16 hours ago, Toxn said:

Any idea when the damage increase from radiators overtakes the damage increase from just adding more guns?


My current build is a 4-kord truck (reallly low level) so I'm wondering at what point increasing my cooldown is a better option than just slapping an extra kord on.


The baseline radiators kinda suck.  They don't actually increase your sustained DPM at all.  The name "radiator" is misleading; they act more like a heat sink.


Essentially, they allow you to fire 30% longer before your guns overheat and go offline.  But, they also make your guns take 30% longer to cool down and come back online.


So the real question is whether they allow you to extend your MG firing time long enough that you can get a kill when you would otherwise have had to sit there with your guns offline and leave the enemy alive.  That depends, I suppose, on what you're shooting at.


But edge situations like that could only occur in close-range brawls, because the radiator doesn't improve the accuracy bloom of the MGs at all.  It just lets them shoot a bit longer, even if they're not hitting anything.


There's a blue-tier attachment that halves the overheat cooldown time on MGs and autocannons.  That one is much better, IMO.

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7 minutes ago, Collimatrix said:


The baseline radiators kinda suck.  They don't actually increase your sustained DPM at all.  The name "radiator" is misleading; they act more like a heat sink.


Essentially, they allow you to fire 30% longer before your guns overheat and go offline.  But, they also make your guns take 30% longer to cool down and come back online.


So the real question is whether they allow you to extend your MG firing time long enough that you can get a kill when you would otherwise have had to sit there with your guns offline and leave the enemy alive.  That depends, I suppose, on what you're shooting at.


But edge situations like that could only occur in close-range brawls, because the radiator doesn't improve the accuracy bloom of the MGs at all.  It just lets them shoot a bit longer, even if they're not hitting anything.


There's a blue-tier attachment that halves the overheat cooldown time on MGs and autocannons.  That one is much better, IMO.

Ah, I wondered how that was supposed to work.


I'm currently fighting my usual lag issues as much as anything else, so my two best designs are a 4-kord truck for blazing away at where I guess the target will be, and an avenger/hatchet rig for ramming things and shooting them with a cannon point blank.


The former is more effective, but the latter is more fun.

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Too lazy to quote, but I think someone earlier said something about objects not being able to shield the cabin.  I'm pretty sure that's not the case and have made my vehicle with this in mind.  My understanding is yellow is cabin damage, white is damage to various bits like fenders and guns.  The structual HP or whatever the exact term listed in the stats for each item is how much damage they can take before breaking I'd assume, so that plow with ~100hp does a good job of acting as frontal armor.  


I also recently got that airplane cabin, and while on paper it's a straight up improvement over the pickup truck one I use, you can't really place any items directly on it.  If you stick a gun on the cabin itself, you have to shoot the gun to knock it out, not just by breaking whatever holds it on.



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3 hours ago, ApplesauceBandit said:

Too lazy to quote, but I think someone earlier said something about objects not being able to shield the cabin.  I'm pretty sure that's not the case and have made my vehicle with this in mind.  My understanding is yellow is cabin damage, white is damage to various bits like fenders and guns.  The structual HP or whatever the exact term listed in the stats for each item is how much damage they can take before breaking I'd assume, so that plow with ~100hp does a good job of acting as frontal armor.  


I also recently got that airplane cabin, and while on paper it's a straight up improvement over the pickup truck one I use, you can't really place any items directly on it.  If you stick a gun on the cabin itself, you have to shoot the gun to knock it out, not just by breaking whatever holds it on.



Someone should make a vehicle with frontal and rear armour and test the time-to-destruction.


Edit: I just tested it. Armour makes a massive difference.

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14 hours ago, ApplesauceBandit said:

Too lazy to quote, but I think someone earlier said something about objects not being able to shield the cabin.  I'm pretty sure that's not the case and have made my vehicle with this in mind.  My understanding is yellow is cabin damage, white is damage to various bits like fenders and guns.  The structual HP or whatever the exact term listed in the stats for each item is how much damage they can take before breaking I'd assume, so that plow with ~100hp does a good job of acting as frontal armor.  




If you add stuff to the cabin, the cabin gains the HP of the stuff you add.  However, if you shoot the stuff off first, that additional HP is deducted.  So my conclusion has been that shielding the cabin with additional stuff doesn't really gain you anything over hiding the stuff behind the cabin.


The melee weapons are a bit different, since they have their own HP pool.

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You seem to be right.  I made this elegant machine and compared how many bursts it would take to kill it at the same range against 3 different sorts of protections.  First version of the vehicle was structual pieces on one side, nothing on the other.  Both took four bursts to kill.  I then went back and covered one side in bumbers, that took slightlly over 6 to kill.  I think there's our answer on armoring cabins.  Time to rebuild all my stuff then.


(the structual piece on the bumber side was pulled from the other side), HP was always at 685)

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I'm not sure I have all the answers yet, mind.  There does seem to be merit in using structure as stand-off armor against splash weapons.  A weak piece of structure will detonate cannon shells and missiles, get overkilled, and cause most of the damage to be wasted and miss the rest of the structure.


This game does seem to share a fault with WoT and Warthunder that gameplay and even mechanics change subtly and significantly as you level up.

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9 hours ago, ApplesauceBandit said:

You seem to be right.  I made this elegant machine and compared how many bursts it would take to kill it at the same range against 3 different sorts of protections.  First version of the vehicle was structual pieces on one side, nothing on the other.  Both took four bursts to kill.  I then went back and covered one side in bumbers, that took slightlly over 6 to kill.  I think there's our answer on armoring cabins.  Time to rebuild all my stuff then.


(the structual piece on the bumber side was pulled from the other side), HP was always at 685)

I tested a front and rear-armour rig against cannon. The front armour made the rig soak about twice the shots.

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9 hours ago, Collimatrix said:

I'm not sure I have all the answers yet, mind.  There does seem to be merit in using structure as stand-off armor against splash weapons.  A weak piece of structure will detonate cannon shells and missiles, get overkilled, and cause most of the damage to be wasted and miss the rest of the structure.


This game does seem to share a fault with WoT and Warthunder that gameplay and even mechanics change subtly and significantly as you level up.

Adding to my previous, it seems that the best defence against cannon is spaced armour stuck to the frame so that only one piece can be blown off at a time.


My best rig for soaking damage in general is a long one with two sets of steering wheels forward and the cabin set well back.

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  Redesigned my thing to better match how the game works and because I've got more good guns now.  MGs are nice, but unless you've got a lot, you're not going to be able to get as much done as you'd like.




@Bronezhilet Now you just need to stick some rocket boosters and an engine on it and you'll be set.

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Machine guns and autocannons are good for PVE raids, they're less impressive in PVP.  In general, the game seems to have a trade-off between easy to use, reliable weapons (MGs, autocannons) and high-damage, less reliable weapons (cannons, TOWs, guided missiles).  The only exception are the FUCKING HARAM GODDAMNED DRONES.

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4 hours ago, Collimatrix said:

Machine guns and autocannons are good for PVE raids, they're less impressive in PVP.  In general, the game seems to have a trade-off between easy to use, reliable weapons (MGs, autocannons) and high-damage, less reliable weapons (cannons, TOWs, guided missiles).  The only exception are the FUCKING HARAM GODDAMNED DRONES.

One of my goals for this game is to make a decent wheeled aircraft carrier before they nerf drones into the ground.

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We're hitting jihad levels that shouldn't be possible:




This build abuses several mechanics that the mujahadeen and martyrs of the Abu Hajar Brigade have discovered.  @Tekky noticed that, unlike in real life, tracked vehicles turn faster if the tracks are close together.  I noticed that the cannons have more elevation than they do traverse, so if you turn them sideways you get a wider field of fire.  The result was... aesthetically unique.

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53 minutes ago, Collimatrix said:

We're hitting jihad levels that shouldn't be possible:




This build abuses several mechanics that the mujahadeen and martyrs of the Abu Hajar Brigade have discovered.  @Tekky noticed that, unlike in real life, tracked vehicles turn faster if the tracks are close together.  I noticed that the cannons have more elevation than they do traverse, so if you turn them sideways you get a wider field of fire.  The result was... aesthetically unique.

What is Jihad level of this thing?


I posted videos of that game months and months ago, and only now you discover this F2P Jihad Design Burear simulator?

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1 hour ago, LoooSeR said:

What is Jihad level of this thing?


I posted videos of that game months and months ago, and only now you discover this F2P Jihad Design Burear simulator?


The Jihad level is at least 10. Somewhere between 'strap a rocket pod to a truck' and 'turn a truck into a disguised MLRS for shooting IRAMs across the road.'




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2 hours ago, Collimatrix said:

We're hitting jihad levels that shouldn't be possible:




This build abuses several mechanics that the mujahadeen and martyrs of the Abu Hajar Brigade have discovered.  @Tekky noticed that, unlike in real life, tracked vehicles turn faster if the tracks are close together.  I noticed that the cannons have more elevation than they do traverse, so if you turn them sideways you get a wider field of fire.  The result was... aesthetically unique.

Fun times in crossout: intentionally build the lowerest power-score vehicle you can packing the biggest armament possible.


I am totally going to use the elevation trick to make a low-level double avenger rig.

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