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ISIS launches counter-offensive at Bardah Hill in southeast Homs



  On Friday morning, the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) launched an important counter-offensive at the strategic hilltop of Tal Al-Bardah after losing large swathes of territory to the Syrian Armed Forces in the Homs Governorate’s southeastern countryside over the last three weeks. 

   ISIS began the assault by launching two VBIEDs (vehicle borne improvised explosive device) towards the Syrian Arab Army’s defenses at the southern slope of Tal Al-Bardah. However, the two VBIEDs were destroyed by the Syrian Armed Forces before they could reach their intended targets. 
   Following the failed VBIED attacks, several ISIS fighters stormed the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) defenses at the southern slope of Tal Al-Bardah, resulting in a fierce battle that lasted for over four hours on Friday. Initially, ISIS was able to achieve a minor break-through after overrunning a Syrian Arab Army checkpoint at the southern perimeter of Tal Al-Bardah. 
   ISIS’ success did not last long, thanks in large part to the Russian Air Force’s merciless aerial assault that forced the terrorists to flee the hilltop and scatter across the vast Homs Desert. 
   According to a military source at the T-4 Military Airport, ISIS suffered approximately 15-20 casualties during the assault, while the Syrian Armed Forces reported 6 soldiers killed-in-action (KIA). 
   If ISIS is unable to take Tal Al-Bardah, then they could find their primary supply route from Quraytayn to Palmyra in danger if the Syrian Armed Forces launch an offensive to the south of this hilltop.



Syrian Army, Hezbollah reach the Palmyra Highlands



  The Syrian Arab Army’s “Tiger Forces” – backed by Hezbollah, Liwaa Imam ‘Ali (Iraqi paramilitary), the Desert Hawks Brigade, and the Syrian Marines – launched a late night assault in western Palmyra on Friday, striking the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham’s (ISIS) positions at the southeastern slopes of Jabal Hayyal. 

   According to a report from a field correspondent in the Palmyra countryside, the Syrian Armed Forces and their allies broke-through ISIS’ front-lines and advanced as far east as the Palmyra Highlands that overlook the Qatari Royal Villa. 
   The Palmyra Highlands begin at the southeastern ridge of Jabal Hayyal and end at the ancient city’s gates.
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#Syria #Homs #Palmyra Some More Soldiers Heading to #Palmyra Front to battle #ISIS #ISIL #Daesh #IS #IslamicState 










#Syria #Homs #Palmyra #SAA Colonel Suheil al Hassan meeting with Desert Falcons & Maghaweer Al Bahr Leader's.


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#RuAF flying '20-25' bombing sorties daily to support #SAA around #Palmyra



#FSA & Liwa Shuhada Yarmouk clash in Inkhil in #Daraa countryside, 12 dead as a result


Among those killed is the head of local council in Inkhil Bashar Al-Dokhi #Daraa 

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