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Sturgeon's House

Post Election Thread: Democracy Dies In Darkness And You Can Help


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There isn't anything else of substance in there. It's all BS.

That's what I'm suspecting from other opinions of folks who read it. But I want to see for myself.

Holy shit. This makes the yellow journalism leading up to the Spanish American War look tame.

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There isn't anything else of substance in there. It's all BS.

I would not call it BS, but it certainly does not provide much more than has already been reported.  Oddly, half the report is a critique of RT news.  They conclude that RT promotes the viewpoint of the Kremlin.  While I am not a fan of RT news, and seldom link to them on my site (they often have articles about tanks), I would consider them a far less nefarious actor in regards to negatively affecting US democracy than FOX News.  

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So I've skimmed the Intel report about Russkie hacking the elections and I have yet to see anything other than vague innuendo and butthurt over the fact that there is now RT (Russian Television) on cable providers these days.


I'll read the report in depth maybe later. Got a certain football playoff game to watch at the stadium.


Summary: Russians are all hackers. Also we don't like them. There was a hack, therefore it had to be Russians.

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Also, I thought RT providing a pro-Russian viewpoint was old news.


In other stunning developments, Fox is conservative, MSNBC is liberal, and Sturgeon has an irrational love of 5.56.

Al Jazeera had pro-Clinton coverage throughout the campaign. AJ is the state ran media of autocratic Qatar. Qatar sends millions to the Clinton Foundation. Clinton supported regime change in Syria that was heavily supported by Qatar. No big story there though. 


As no fan of Trump or of Putin's government, I'd like to know what exactly happened yet I don't think we'll ever really find out. 

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I just realized 30ish years from now there's gonna be a USS Donald Trump.

That thought had crossed my mind a while ago.  In case you are wondering, not every president gets a naval ship named after him.  The following presidents never got a boat:


William Henry Harrison

John Tyler

Zachary Taylor

Millard Fillmore

Franklin Pierce

Andrew Johnson

James Garfield

Chester Arthur

Grover Cleveland

Benjamin Harrison

William McKinley

William Howard Taft

Warren Harding

Calvin Coolidge

Herbert Hoover

Richard Nixon

Bill Clinton

George W. Bush

Barack Obama


I'm somewhat surprised that McKinley does not have a boat named after him, considering that he was president during the Spanish American War, a war which featured an impressive US naval victory over Spain. 

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That thought had crossed my mind a while ago.  In case you are wondering, not every president gets a naval ship named after him.  The following presidents never got a boat:


William Henry Harrison

John Tyler

Zachary Taylor

Millard Fillmore

Franklin Pierce

Andrew Johnson

James Garfield

Chester Arthur

Grover Cleveland

Benjamin Harrison

William McKinley

William Howard Taft

Warren Harding

Calvin Coolidge

Herbert Hoover

Richard Nixon

Bill Clinton

George W. Bush

Barack Obama


I'm somewhat surprised that McKinley does not have a boat named after him, considering that he was president during the Spanish American War, a war which featured an impressive US naval victory over Spain. 


No Navy ships named after Warren G. Harding or Calvin Coolidge? I wonder why?



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Jimmy Carter got an Seawolf attack sub named after him.  Reagan, Bush the First, Gerald Ford, Kennedy, Eisenhower and Truman all got Carriers.  LBJ got a Cruiser.  Nixon got nothing.  Bush Junior, Clinton and Obama are still relatively young and alive so they won't get a ship for a while.  



Ol Jimmy was a submariner so he prolly liked it right?  I can't believe we only made three Seawolves... That's almost as bad as killing the F22 program!

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The paranoia about Russian infiltration has become completely unhinged.


John McAfee, patron saint of hookers and blow, weighs in on Larry King:



Glen Greenwald gives various media outlets a much-deserved drubbing for uncritically relating, and inflating claims that Russian hackers performed a cyber attack against the US power grid.


Trent Lapinski provides a good summary of the situation; if there is any conclusive evidence that Russian hackers are have been tormenting the US Democratic party, the US government has not deigned to show it to the world.  


John McAfee's point is a good one; the US cyberintelligence apparatus has been intensively, and expensively focused on domestic surveillance.  It is demonstrably very poor at repelling attacks by organized groups, or even figuring out who the hell the organized groups are.  McAfee has also stated that he has private evidence that the 2014 Sony Pictures hack was not carried out by North Korea.  When he made those statements I started thinking for the first time that cyberforensics might actually be very poor at identifying attackers.

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