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  • 3 weeks later...

Test Line-Of-Sight Thickness Diagram overlay at +10 degrees of the Leclerc S1 model:




The overlay diagram is just a test. Considerable more fine tweaking has to go into it before i can release the rest. The MATLAB program measures the LOS thickness in 10 mm intervals over any part of the crew compartment using pixelated slices of the vehicles in a .png picture format. I have tested it several times with smaller inputs and it seems to work, although it has to process  for 30+ minutes for each aspect. Note that this is not the vulnerability diagram.  As one can see the left front hull LOS is not visible because it went below the value color threshold. Other color coding schemes are available, which i might use instead of this "hot" color scheme. The values vary from a couple of centimeters to a couple of meters. The tracks and the main gun are the primary contributor for these large differences. The program and/or the slice diagram could be adjusted to get rid of the main gun and track assembly so the program generates a more reasonable output.  Either way, more fine tuning and work is required to get the diagrams to a presentable level.





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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
On 7/13/2019 at 10:28 PM, LoooSeR said:




   Basically a system that runs AI (probably neural network-based) to recognize/identify targets in real time.



   Also, was linked on otvaga - MBDA press-release




   Was linked on otvaga, Thales is also working on similar system


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey thanks Loooser for reposting :)

Yeah to explain a bit for those pics, somes are from the books "Encyclopédie Chars de Combat Modernes", and all the others are from Nexter. They were on a wall of a french workshop. Somes are really hard to read on, so if you want I can re write on it since I'm the author of thoses pics, I got the original pictures.

Somes of thoses schemas are not really up to date, i'm gonna receive the new ones.

If you got any questions regarding Leclerc, I can provide a pretty good help.

You can add me on discord btw : Chanou#8977

Have a nice day everyone


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21 minutes ago, Laviduce said:

Ahh, thats ok. I am grateful for your contributations. Does this seem like a  reasonable approximation for the gun-mantlet assembly ?




I've asked my mates
Everything is okay even if some details are a little approximate.

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8 minutes ago, Chanou said:

I've asked my mates
Everything is okay even if some details are a little approximate.

Thank you for feedback!   I tired to keep it simple and not get into details, since i had limited information and limited time for the model before i had to move on to the vulnerability study.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Qatar Set to Cancel VBCI 2 Contract



“Due to the indictment of Paris Saint-Germain President Nasser Al-Khelaïfi, the Emir of Qatar is close to giving up the contract VBCI manufactured by Nexter”


"Amir asked Minister of Defense to find a new platform..Qatari MOD very close to select 3 candidates which may not include Rheinmetall because of certain disputes regarding to Leopard contract"

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