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Sturgeon's House

Post Election Thread: Democracy Dies In Darkness And You Can Help


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I stepped into my time machine and traveled back in time the 1970's.  I was searching for that era's version of the ancient oracles, and I found it in the form of the TV gameshow "Match Game."  I stared at the panel of six celebrities and picked the wisest of them all, RIchard Dawson, to answer my query.  I said, please kind sir, tell me, what will be the biggest political controversy surrounding the president elect just one week from his inauguration?  



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With how so much of the Trump talk lately has had unnamed sources, I'd hope this will teach people to have at least a little skepticism.  Everything lately feels like it's supposed to be from a leaked top secret report or some US intelligence agent who wants to share his stuff with the media.  I'm going to be headed to bed in a second, but I'm going to see if someone's posted a link to the full version of the "report" somewhere.






Some document from a Clinton-supporting Deep State guy on Trump-FSB link including something about Trump getting off to "golden showers"


Uh, yeah...

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This goes deeper than just the election...


Theory that Russia was the cause of every terrible European event?



58 minutes ago

 by irofirelord


I just stubbed my big right toe for the second time today and I now firmly believe that there's Russian involvement in my misfortune.

We all know who is behind it...


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I'm still waiting for the day when Putin pays me for all the Americans I troll :(

If you ever get to Kentucky, look me up, I have some Bourbon you might enjoy.( Assuming "ZOMG RUSSIA" does not turn it all into vinegar, by some means, possibly "magic", according to most of our media.)

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Watching the speech on Youtube and - holy hell - Trump knocked it out of the park. This is the most conservative inaugural speech that has been given in decades. 


And LOL at the shit that the previous Presidents had to eat when Trump called them out.

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