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Sturgeon's House

Post Election Thread: Democracy Dies In Darkness And You Can Help


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Hognose lays out the case that Russian civilian and military arms both independently penetrated the DNC: http://weaponsman.com/?p=37935

He does not, however, believe there was much of an intent to influence the election, and argues that they also tried to penetrate the RNC, but had much less success.

So... What does it say when your cybersecurity isn't anywhere near as good as that of the party of Ted "Series of Tubes" Stevens?

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Hognose lays out the case that Russian civilian and military arms both independently penetrated the DNC: http://weaponsman.com/?p=37935

He does not, however, believe there was much of an intent to influence the election, and argues that they also tried to penetrate the RNC, but had much less success.

So... What does it say when your cybersecurity isn't anywhere near as good as that of the party of Ted "Series of Tubes" Stevens?


The picture I'm getting is that the RNC was in fact hacked, but there just was not much "in there".  Like the oversized packaging one finds in a dollar store.

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WordFence report on Russian hacking:



On Friday we published an analysis of the FBI and DHS Grizzly Steppe report. The report was widely seen as proof that Russian intelligence operatives hacked the US 2016 election. We showed that the PHP malware in the report is old, freely available from a Ukrainian hacker group and is an administrative tool for hackers.


We also performed an analysis on the IP addresses included in the report and showed that they originate from 61 countries and 389 different organizations with no clear attribution to Russia.



Clearly they are Putinshills.


This is arguably a scarier conclusion.  Security around information that was considered so important that it could have swayed the election was so lax that anyone, even non-state actors, could have up and taken it.

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Ooof.  This may be one of those jobs where it's better to just divert a river through the damn thing.


Another scary thought; supposing Word Fence's analysis is correct and the electronic forensic data so far collected gives no indication that the Russians were behind the hacking of the DNC computer systems, and that President Obama is in possession of no additional information to which the public is not privy, then did the president of the USA just expel all of Russia's diplomats and levy sanctions for no real reason?

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Ooof.  This may be one of those jobs where it's better to just divert a river through the damn thing.


Another scary thought; supposing Word Fence's analysis is correct and the electronic forensic data so far collected gives no indication that the Russians were behind the hacking of the DNC computer systems, and that President Obama is in possession of no additional information to which the public is not privy, then did the president of the USA just expel all of Russia's diplomats and levy sanctions for no real reason?

A theory is that Obama did it to worsen the US-RU relationship in such a way that Trump can't buddy up to the Russians without looking like a Russian lapdog, and the public opinion that comes with it.


Yes, I know, shaky theory.

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Because reasonably intelligent people understand the scope and scale of the corruption within it.

The proper fix is scrapping it as a whole and issuing the vets "care cards" that work like an EBT for healthcare, and having the IRS handle distribution of compensation.  The percentages were determined by military PEB (or equivalent) at discharge, and post discharge issues related to military service should be determined/evaluated by a private party of the vet's own choice.


Instead of some self-serving bureaucracy more interested in prolonging it's existence and fattening it's funding, than doing it's job.

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Because reasonably intelligent people understand the scope and scale of the corruption within it.

The proper fix is scrapping it as a whole and issuing the vets "care cards" that work like an EBT for healthcare, and having the IRS handle distribution of compensation.  The percentages were determined by military PEB (or equivalent) at discharge, and post discharge issues related to military service should be determined/evaluated by a private party of the vet's own choice.


Instead of some self-serving bureaucracy more interested in prolonging it's existence and fattening it's funding, than doing it's job.

That sounds remarkably like letting a Veteran and his Dr. decide what medical care is needed.  How reasonable. :P


Never gonna happen.

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A theory is that Obama did it to worsen the US-RU relationship in such a way that Trump can't buddy up to the Russians without looking like a Russian lapdog, and the public opinion that comes with it.


Yes, I know, shaky theory.


Between that and pissing off Israel I could be swayed to believe Obama is trying to leave a big shit for Trump to clean up when he takes office.

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So I've skimmed the Intel report about Russkie hacking the elections and I have yet to see anything other than vague innuendo and butthurt over the fact that there is now RT (Russian Television) on cable providers these days.


I'll read the report in depth maybe later. Got a certain football playoff game to watch at the stadium.

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