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Syrian conflict.


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Hm, yeah, it would be pretty interesting to see if the Russians can actually fight a military with modern equipment, and not some backwater like Georgia with half-functional Soviet-era air defenses and no air force.


Hm, yeah, it would be pretty interesting to see if America can actually fight a military with modern equibment, and not some backwater like iraq with half-functional Soviet-era air defenses and no air force



ya, you see, i can do the same thing pigfucker ^^^^^



Go fuck yourself 


Your time would be better spent away from this website prepping your bull Jamal, wouldnt want him to be plowing your white wife cold would you? 

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Hm, yeah, it would be pretty interesting to see if America can actually fight a military with modern equibment, and not some backwater like iraq with half-function with half-functional Soviet-era air defenses and no air force



ya, you see, i can do the same thing pigfucker ^^^^^



Go fuck yourself 


Your time would be better spent away from this website prepping your bull Jamal, wouldnt want him to be plowing your white wife cold would you?


Wow rude. (And incoherent.)


Before 1991 Iraq had a military force that was easily the top in the region, having modern equipment and 8 years of combat experience in a war they won militarily (but lost strategically), and was probably 4th or 5th in the world at the time.

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The following audio was recorded on the international UHF Emergency frequency 243.000 MHz by a reader who wishes to remain anonymous. We have no way to verify whether the audio was really recorded earlier today and we must highlight that similar messages have been radioed to unknown/Russian aircraft in the vicinity of the Turkish airspace in the past as well and recorded/heard by radio-hams  and airband listeners located in Turkey and Greece.


However, some Turkish media outlets have already published a similar recording released by the TuAF in the aftermath of the shoot-down.


Provided it was recorded today, the audio would confirm both the Turkish and Russian versions: the TuAF radar warned the “unknown” plane (as claimed by Ankara) and it was not one of the F-16 to radio the message to the Su-24 (as claimed by Moscow).

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The general consensus seems to be that Turkey did this to derail any coordination between NATO and Russia, so that it could get back to doing what it wanted to in the first place - fucking with the Kurds and supporting ISIS as a means to that end.


It's just a pity that the US is so predictable in this regard. Rather than grow a pair and smack down an ally for fucking with their interests (again!) it will be content to circle the wagons against Russia and violate it's principles (again!) to support the misbehaving party.


Expect lots of confusion over what airspace, radio communications and things falling in ballistic trajectories might mean.

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This old(-ish) article might be interesting to read

A formation of Turkish fighter jets violated Greek airspace a total of 20 times on Wednesday before being chased off by Greek aircraft, according to a Kathimerini report.

A total of six Turkish fighter jets flying in formation entered Greek airspace repeatedly over the north, central, and southern Aegean Sea.

The Turkish jet fighters were carrying armaments and a tense close-quarters confrontation occurred between the neighboring countries’ aircraft.

Turkish aircraft violate Greek airspace over the Aegean Sea quite often as maritime boundaries between the two countries are a constantly source of disagreement. The incidents are so routine that Turkey now lists all incidents under the “Daily Activities” section of the chief of general staff website.

“The question of sovereignty over the Aegean in simplest terms is the difference between Greek territorial waters of six nautical miles and the 10-nautical-mile airspace Greece claims,” Metin Gurcan writes for Al-Monitor, according to the report. “The conflict arises when Turkey recognizes the Greek national airspace over the Aegean as six miles and flies its planes within the 10-mile airspace claimed by Greece.”

Similar incidents happen with frequency and have increased rapidly since 2013. In the first month of 2014 alone, Turkish aircraft allegedly violated Greek airspace 1,017 times, Gurcan reports. This was twice the number of total airspace violations between the two countries for the first half of 2013.

The two countries are NATO allies but there is ongoing hostility between them after Turkey invaded Cyprus in 1974, claiming oppression of Turkish populations on the island. Oil and natural gas deposits around Cyprus have also become a major point of contention between the two neighbors.

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The general consensus seems to be that Turkey did this to derail any coordination between NATO and Russia, so that it could get back to doing what it wanted to in the first place - fucking with the Kurds and supporting ISIS as a means to that end.


It's just a pity that the US is so predictable in this regard. Rather than grow a pair and smack down an ally for fucking with their interests (again!) it will be content to circle the wagons against Russia and violate it's principles (again!) to support the misbehaving party.


Expect lots of confusion over what airspace, radio communications and things falling in ballistic trajectories might mean.


Expect the usual shilling from both sides, and Kurds getting surprisingly good AA equipment sooner rather than later

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Erdogan really wants to isolate Turkey from the rest of the world doesn't he? Screw Europe, Russia, America, Israel, The Gulf States, Iran, China, Malaysia, and especially Armenia and Greece. We might just let Kurdistan exist just to screw them over.

I wouldnt count on it


NATO is standing with Turkey hard on this, i wouldnt be suprised if a good number of westerners are happy that the one chance for the Allies to reunite got smashed to the ground by the Turks


I saw fuck em, we dont need the west, and every oppunity of cooperation since world war 2 only has ended in disappointment


Just look at Serbia, cocksure yankee's almost try to attack airfeild because they are jealous Russia got invented the wheeled AFV first


Alot of American social media is in full Turkish defense mode, and you better believe somehow Russia is going to end up getting yet more sanctions for this 


If anything, we should redoubled our efforts, remove embassy from turkey, declare a state of hostilities and see if they are ballsy enough to do anything, 


Halt all coordination with NATO forces and establish no-fly zone over Kurdistan 


Stop meating with western leaders to talk about ISIS, maybe even shut down a few embassys in europe 



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I wouldnt count on it


NATO is standing with Turkey hard on this, i wouldnt be suprised if a good number of westerners are happy that the one chance for the Allies to reunite got smashed to the ground by the Turks


I saw fuck em, we dont need the west, and every oppunity of cooperation since world war 2 only has ended in disappointment


Just look at Serbia, cocksure yankee's almost try to attack airfeild because they are jealous Russia got invented the wheeled AFV first


Alot of American social media is in full Turkish defense mode, and you better believe somehow Russia is going to end up getting yet more sanctions for this 


If anything, we should redoubled our efforts, remove embassy from turkey, declare a state of hostilities and see if they are ballsy enough to do anything, 


Halt all coordination with NATO forces and establish no-fly zone over Kurdistan 


Stop meating with western leaders to talk about ISIS, maybe even shut down a few embassys in europe 



Tied is right. Fucking the Russians over is literally ingrained in NATO DNA by now. They will do it even when there is no profit in it.

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